Trump Demands Biden Fire Defense Sec. Austin Over Inappropriate Secrecy

Former President and 2024 Republican frontrunner Donald Trump on Sunday demanded that President Joe Biden fire Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin.

The military’s top brass hid Austin’s recent hospitalization from the White House in a blatant dereliction of duty. For Trump, this was a sign that a change needed to be made at the top.

Posting on his Truth Social platform, Trump noted that Austin “has been missing for one week, and nobody, including his boss, Crooked Joe Biden, had a clue as to where he was, or might be.”

Trump called Austin’s job performance “poor” and declared that he should have been shown the door “long ago, along with ‘General’ Mark Milley.”

The former president cited the shameful and deadly withdrawal from Afghanistan as further reason to remove the secretary. Trump categorized the performance as “perhaps the most embarrassing moment in the history of our Country.”

Austin was treated in an intensive care unit of Walter Reed Army Medical Center for days without notifying the Biden White House, his national security adviser, Congress or the American public. He was rushed to the hospital on New Year’s Day on the heels of a recent unidentified procedure.

CNN reported that even Austin’s number two, Kathleen Hicks, was not made aware of his medical situation. She was on a scheduled vacation to Puerto Rico.

The Pentagon got into the act and further obscured the incident by claiming a need for “privacy.” Austin finally released a statement Saturday admitting he could have done a “better job ensuring the public was appropriately informed.”

The secretary of defense claimed he would do “better” but then asserted it was his medical procedure and his responsibility. Austin went off the grid at a particularly dicey time for a man in his position.

The U.S. is engaged in an alarming proxy war with Iran-backed groups in the Middle East, and the Israel-Hamas war rages on. Further, a drone strike was recently carried out in Iraq to eliminate an Iran-backed militia leader.

If Austin was incapacitated, under whose authority was this act carried out? Trump and many others asked this very pertinent question. 

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