Fani Willis Scandal Explodes With Bombshell Divorce Revelations

Embattled Fulton County District Attorney has her own issues to be concerned with in the middle of persecuting former President Donald Trump. 

Now comes word that her alleged lover, special prosecutor Nathan Wade, failed to disclose the $700,000 he received from the county for his “services.” His wife alleged that he did not report the funds and instead took Willis on luxury vacations.

And a bizarre coincidence emerged in the civil proceedings. Wade filed for divorce on Nov. 2, 2021, exactly one day after Willis hired him to be the special prosecutor in the Trump case. This despite an almost utter lack of experience in such court proceedings.

These bombshell allegations are contained in the 127-page filing from Trump co-defendant Michael Roman. 

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) took the offensive Monday and forwarded a criminal complaint to Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp (R) and Attorney General Chris Carr. She expressed strong concerns about the charges and requested an investigation of Willis.

All of this turmoil came on the heels of the discovery that Wade billed Fulton County $2,000 for speaking with White House counsel in 2022. It’s not difficult to guess the topic of this discussion. 

Willis has now been subpoenaed to testify in Wade’s contentious divorce case amid allegations of an “improper relationship” with her associate.

The New York Post reported the subpoena was served through Willis’ assistant on Monday in her Atlanta office.

Just hours after the subpoena was served, Roman’s motion alleging Willis and Wade engaged in a “clandestine personal relationship during the pendency of this case” was filed. It cited “sources close to both the special prosecutor and the district attorney.”

The filing noted that the pair have been seen around Atlanta and are believed to have stayed at a residence that neither owned. And Wade, it declared, has plenty of motivation to prosecute the former president.

The motion stated, “He will continue to be incentivized to prosecute this case based on his personal and financial motives, so he has acquired a unique and personal interest or stake in Mr. Roman’s continued prosecution.” It added Wade will “make exorbitant sums of money.” 

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  • G
    March 6, 2024

    Why do they focus upon their relationship it is only about the lies told. Perjury is the reason they must be removed and disbarred.———– I, Grampa

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