Nikki Haley Accused Of Cheating On Husband

Presidential candidate Nikki Haley faced allegations of infidelity during her gubernatorial campaign, with multiple sources who worked with her claiming that she falsely denied cheating on her husband. 

New witnesses have now come forward to Daily Mail, asserting that Haley’s denials regarding two alleged 2008 affairs are untrue. According to these witnesses, the supposed romantic encounters were brazen and widely known among South Carolina politicos. 

Will Folks, aged 49, and Larry Marchant, aged 61, both signed affidavits in 2010, alleging that they had engaged in a sexual relationship with the then-South Carolina lawmaker before she became governor.

The contents of the affidavits were previously covered by major news outlets when they were first disclosed. However, this marks the first occasion that they have been made public beyond Will Folks’ own document, which he had originally published on his blog.

At the time, Nikki Haley, aged 51, vehemently denied both allegations, asserting that she was 100% faithful to her husband of 28 years, Michael Haley, who was deployed in Afghanistan with the National Guard in 2012. 

Several GOP insiders revealed to Daily Mail that they were well-acquainted with Nikki Haley’s alleged infidelity during her tenure as a South Carolina lawmaker. These insiders shared stories of passionate encounters in the back of her Cadillac SUV, instances of “canoodling” while sitting on her lovers’ laps at bars and nights spent together in a Columbia, South Carolina duplex.

This development coincides with Nikki Haley’s campaign preparations for the New Hampshire primary scheduled for January 23. It represents a crucial battle for her to reclaim the second position in the race for the Republican presidential nomination. This challenge comes after Ron DeSantis secured a two-point lead over her with 21% of the vote in the Iowa caucuses on Monday

Sources came forward to Daily Mail to discuss Haley’s alleged affairs, spurred by her positive references to her husband on the presidential campaign trail. Her husband, a major in the National Guard, is currently deployed in Africa. In December, during a speech reported by CBS News, she stated, “I’m doing this for my husband and his military brothers and sisters. They need to know their sacrifice matters.”

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  • S
    February 21, 2024

    Just another lying politician trying to become president. Haley is just another slut who we can never believe if she had come out and admitted to having a affair she would of been accepted and not classified as a slut.
    Her husband is a asshole for believe she didn’t have affair if he has any balls he would divorce her or he looks like a pussyfooting fool. Haley we have no respect for you because you’re a loser and cheater. Americans spoke get the hint we don’t want you as president save face and bow out now before you really embarrass yourself.
    America Americans want Trump back as President not you

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