Tim Tebow Testifies Before Congress About Human Trafficking

Former NFL quarterback Tim Tebow appeared before Congress on Wednesday to speak about ways to battle human trafficking and child exploitation.

Tebow, who played on the Denver Broncos and for short stints on several other NFL teams, spoke before the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Crime and Federal Government Surveillance on Wednesday.

During his testimony, Tebow proposed legislation to “enhance the capability to identify and locate” children who are being exploited, noting that there are currently “more than 50,000 unidentified children” in the hands of traffickers.

“To sum it up, we strive to fight for people who can’t fight for themselves,” he said regarding the Tim Tebow Foundation, his organization that has been leading the charge in rescuing child trafficking victims.

Tebow’s foundation worked alongside several law enforcement agencies in the summer of 2023 during “Operation Renewed Hope” — which took place over the course of 15 days, rescuing and/or identifying 316 victims. The Tebow Foundation was given a $100 million grant from the Trump administration in Sept. 2020 for task forces, victim services and victim housing.

Tebow also called on the federal government to enact more precautions that would inhibit the online distribution of child exploitative material.

During his testimony, the former NFL star also read a letter that a victim of child exploitation personally wrote to him — sobbing as he read.

“Rescue me. Help me. Monsters are chasing. Can’t you see? Monsters are whispering. Can’t you hear? Monsters are shouting you are nothing. Can’t you feel my pain?” Tebow read.

He then called for members of Congress to support and push through a bill to create and fund a “Rescue Team” with the mission of locating and rescuing children who are being exploited — pressuring lawmakers to act quickly.

“But if all we do today is speak, all I do is speak, I also missed the mark. We have to do more than just talk about it. We have to act on it and be about it,” Tebow said.

Tebow’s comments come after FBI whistleblower Steve Friend testified to Congress in 2022 that he had been ordered to stop investigating child trafficking cases and instead investigate parents who spoke out against leftist ideology at school board meetings.

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