NYC Firefighters Who Booed Letitia James Face Retaliation

It was a sight that warmed the hearts of right-thinking Americans everywhere — rogue New York Attorney General Letitia James booed by NYC firefighters who chanted “Trump” during a Brooklyn speech. But now FDNY leaders want revenge for the outburst of support for Trump.

In an unsurprisingly Marxist move, the offenders are being asked to hand themselves over to officials or be tracked down. 

They also face reeducation for having the audacity to step out of line and mildly protest a political witch hunt. The major sin, of course, is publicly expressing their support for the 45th president. 

James did not take kindly to the backing of the Republican presidential frontrunner. Facing boos she exclaimed, “Oh, come on. We’re in a house of God. First, um, simmer down. Thank you for getting it out of your system.”

But FDNY Chief of Department John Hodgens was not amused.

He released a statement slamming the firefighters who exercised their First Amendment rights. Hodgens called their free expression “an embarrassment and not befitting of the world’s best fire department.” 

In an email to department heads, Hodgens announced the Bureau of Investigation and Trials (BITS) will probe the booing and “Trump” chants. He also urged those who expressed themselves to turn themselves in as the Bureau “will figure out who the members are.” 

Hodgens incredibly declared, “I recommend they come forward. I’ve been told by the commissioner it will be better for them if they come forward and we don’t have to hunt them down.”

He explained that company captains will make lists of those who confess and send it to FDNY operations.

Hodgens stressed that video exists of the incident and offenders will be contacted by BITS if they don’t turn themselves in. His warning was echoed by the Uniformed Fire Officers Association (UFOA), which reminded members Saturday that the department has video of the gathering.

The group confirmed that “questions may be asked to specific UFOA members over their actions or their recollections.”

The controversial James was the invited speaker at the event held to honor The Rev. Pamela Holmes. She was the department’s second female chaplain and the first Black female in that role. 


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  • G
    March 11, 2024

    What is it with the far left – they are ALWAYS seeking more control in any way they can get it, via threats and intimidation or as in this case a thirst for vengeance. It might be ‘interesting’ if every single uniformed member of FDNY marched on city hall or the department HQ and claimed they were the ones who did the booing even if they were out of town that day. Then it would be up to the head hunters in the department to PROVE their ‘guilt’. Or ‘maybe’ a case of ‘red’ flu striking for a couple of days, NO firefighters working at all might wake up the bureaucrats.

  • W
    March 11, 2024

    Welcome to the beginning of Communization in America . Everyone in America knows that this entire thing is nothing more than a political witch hunt and power grab by Democrats and those of the left . America has to be their way or not at all . Leticia James is out to make a name for herself and undoubtedly a bigger career in politics . It matters not if Donald Trump is right or wrong just as long as the leftists are victorious and destroy the guy who was a political outsider but managed to upset their plans .

  • JH
    March 11, 2024
    Jeffrey H. Dreibus

    Just a little bit closer to Hitler’s Germany every day . . .

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