New Super PAC Aims To Boost Biden’s Appeal Among Young Voters Through Hollywood Talent 

As the November election approaches, a new super PAC called Won’t PAC Down has been launched as a collaborative effort between Hollywood professionals and Democratic political strategists. The group’s primary goal is to increase outreach to younger voters who have become increasingly disillusioned with President Joe Biden over various issues, such as the war in Israel, the environment, the student loan crisis, and inflation.

Won’t PAC Down has recruited writers, directors, and producers from Hollywood, primarily from the Millennial and Gen Z generations, to create pro-Biden content that is more professionally crafted than current campaign efforts. The group plans to raise and spend between $20 million and $25 million on their initiatives, with their first ads expected to air in early July, focusing on social media and streaming platforms.

The PAC’s members believe that content created by young voters will have a better chance of resonating with their target audience. As such, their ads will not rely on the traditional Hollywood tactic of featuring well-known celebrities. Travis Helwig, a former head writer for Crooked Media and now part of the PAC’s writing staff, emphasized the difference between their approach and simply having celebrities endorse voting.

Although the Biden campaign is legally prohibited from coordinating with the PAC, it has issued a statement supporting the effort. Julie Chavez Rodriguez, the Biden 2024 campaign manager, acknowledged the importance of groups like Won’t PAC Down in mobilizing and activating young people across the country.


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  • T
    June 10, 2024

    Must be nice to have all that money to spend and not care how the economy is killing the regular everyday people! IMO

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