Senate Bill Rejects Ending Biden’s Controversial Migrant Flights

Democrats showed their true colors on the illegal migrant crisis Friday. Every senator in the party voted to reject a bill that would end the Biden administration’s controversial policy of flying illegals directly from their homes into unsuspecting U.S. communities, leading to the bill’s defeat.

Sen. Bill Hagerty (R-TN) loudly protested the unpopular move. The conservative noted that the White House bought plane tickets for hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens last year alone and whisked them “into blue city airports.”

The tally for 2023 was a staggering 320,000 illegal aliens. And there are good reasons why these flights touch down in Democratic enclaves.

First, the Biden administration knows that deep red states with strong leadership such as Texas and Florida would never permit such flights. There are governors and leaders in blue states willing to be co-conspirators with the illegal migrant invasion.

Then, as Hagerty correctly noted, there’s voting strength.

The Republican explained that “illegal aliens are counted when determining Americans’ representation in government, and the worth of their votes. The more illegal aliens and non-citizens in your state or district, the greater your voting power in Congress and presidential elections.”

This means, according to Hagerty, that Democrats are weaponizing the census.

Another conservative lawmaker, Sen. Roger Marshall (R-KS), told Newsmax Thursday that permitting unvetted illegals to fly across the U.S. is inviting danger. He asserted, however, that Congress has the authority to stop these flights.

Addressing “National Report,” Marshall explained, “Congress has the ability to control who comes in and out of the D.C. airport.” Airlines may be prohibited from accepting the CBP One app as identification, meaning they can no longer fly illegal migrants into D.C.

At least 43 American airports last year were landing sites for Biden’s 320,000 illegal migrants flown into the nation.

He said allowing these passengers onto planes without the most basic of identification is wrong. Of course, U.S. citizens are required to display a drivers license or passport.

The Republican further asserted that Biden’s “paroling these people en masse” is against federal law. Marshall said this process is meant to be undertaken one person at a time.

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