Iran Warns Israel Against Retaliation For Drone Strikes

Iran’s unprecedented drone and missile attack on Israel was followed by a stark warning from Tehran. President Ebrahim Raisi cautioned the Jewish state on Sunday against what he termed a “reckless” retaliation to the massive strike.


The Iranian action marked its first direct attack on Israeli soil. Tehran’s Islamists prefer to use proxy groups in their terror campaigns to be able to deny direct responsibility.


But there’s no denying the weekend action against Israel, which came after days of Iranian threats. Israel carried out a successful and deadly strike on Iran’s embassy in Damascus on April 1 during which it eliminated multiple leaders responsible for the Oct. 7 massacre.



Tehran also warned Washington that the U.S. could be targeted.


Major General Mohammad Bagheri was quoted by the Times of Israel as telling state media that an Israeli retaliation would spawn a “much larger” response.


Bagheri added, “If the Zionist regime or its supporters demonstrate reckless behavior, they will receive a decisive and much stronger response. This clearly referred to the U.S., as it is Israel’s strongest ally.


President Joe Biden appeared to take the threat seriously. He cautioned his Israeli counterpart, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, to exercise restraint after the attack from Iran.


Many around the globe watched anxiously over the weekend as Iran launched the massive strike. The fear is that a broad Middle Eastern war will erupt in a region already on edge after the Hamas terror attack of Oct. 7 and Israel’s retaliation.


Biden’s National Security Advisor John Kirby told ABC’s “This Week” on Sunday that the U.S. is in Israel’s corner. He said, however, that Washington does not want a broader war to break out.


Jordan’s King Abdullah reached out to Biden on Sunday and cautioned that an Israeli counterattack could dramatically escalate the conflict.


Iran’s unprecedented weekend strike saw over 300 drones and missiles launched against the Jewish state. In a remarkable display of defensive prowess, the nation’s Iron Dome system with an assist from the U.S., U.K. and Jordan intercepted nearly all of the incoming weaponry.


A seven-year-old Muslim child in Israel was reportedly killed by shrapnel and an Air Force base in southern Israel sustained minor damage. It continued normal operations after the attack.


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