House Intel Chair Ominously Warns Of ‘Serious National Security Threat’

Warning bells sounded across Washington on Wednesday with a cryptic message from House Intelligence Committee Chair Mike Turner (R-OH). The representative revealed he called on President Joe Biden to declassify details of a new threat.

Turner announced authorities “made available to all members of Congress information concerning a serious national security threat.” 

The Intel chairman added, “I am requesting that President Biden declassify all information relating to this threat so that Congress, the Administration and our allies can openly discuss the actions necessary to respond to this threat.”

NBC News quoted an anonymous Democratic source describing the new information as a “serious issue.” They further noted that it “could lead to a destabilizing situation and a national security threat.”

There are multiple reports that the threat involves a new Russian military capability. This could upset the balance of power between the world’s leading nations and give the Kremlin the upper hand.

Fox News reported a Pentagon source revealed the development concerns space.

However, House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) declared there is “no need for public alarm” and the threat is not immediate. 

Johnson said in January he requested a meeting with White House officials to discuss the national security concern. That meeting is now scheduled, and the Speaker vowed to “press the administration to take appropriate action.”

The Republican said that should be comforting for everyone.

He noted that he saw Turner’s statement regarding the threat and there is no reason to panic. “And beyond that, I’m not at liberty to disclose classified information and really can’t say much of that, but we just want to assure everyone, steady hands are at the wheel, we’re working on it.”

The White House responded to Turner’s concerns on Wednesday. National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan told a press briefing he was surprised by the chairman’s statement.

Sullivan said that in recent days he contacted lawmakers and offered to go to Capitol Hill and provide details on the new development.

He then claimed that the Biden administration has “gone further” to declassify more intelligence materials “than any administration in history.” Sullivan added that the White House is willing to be transparent “when it’s in our national security interest to do so.”


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