Hillary Clinton Gives Advice On Talking To Trump-Supporting Relatives

Hillary Clinton seems to think she has a knack for comedy hour, but she’s painfully mistaken. When the former first lady and failed 2016 Democrat presidential nominee hopped on Twitter this Halloween, she was met with sharp criticism for her advice on how to talk to family members with whom we disagree in the political arena.

Clinton’s forceful plug for her podcast “You and Me Both” brought out the MAGA crowd in masses to let her know how they really feel. 

Hillary tweeted, “With holidays & family gatherings coming up, I think this week’s episode of my podcast will resonate with some of you.”

By “some of you,” she should have emphasized that she meant — the far-left among us.

“I spoke with two pros at difficult conversations—@USAmbUN and @bluegrassred—about how we can talk, heart to heart, with people we may not see eye to eye with,” she added.

Once upon a time, the Donald Trump challenger was lambasting the American people and referring to them as “baskets of deplorables” for supporting him. Today, she wants to break bread with conservatives? No thanks.

Let’s be honest. This podcast is directed at the left, and it preys on the discomfort they face when thinking about heading to Grandma’s house for Thanksgiving and having to entertain their Republican cousins. 

Attached to Clinton’s post was a clip of the recent podcast episode. Sarah Stewart Holland spoke of the daycare provider she adored and trusted — as her baby’s caretaker. But she also noted this daycare worker loved former President Donald Trump. 

Holland noted, “I could not decide what she was, and put all that characterization, that two-dimensionality that we do on her. It was impossible to me, because I was handing my child to her, into her loving arms, two days a week.”

Few were impressed with Clinton’s post. 

It was just four weeks ago that Clinton told Christiane Amanpour, “Those MAGA extremists take their marching orders from Donald Trump, who has no credibility left by any measure. He’s only in it for himself. He’s not defending himself in civil actions and criminal actions — and when do they break with him?”

She continued, “At some point, you know, maybe there needs to be a formal deprogramming of the cult members.”


The overarching message appears to be summarized well with this post on X:


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