Construction Workers Show Support For Trump As He Visits Site

President Joe Biden has a firm grip on elites, major corporations and Hollywood liberals, but that’s not who will elect the next president. A clear demonstration of that reality was revealed Thursday when former President Donald Trump visited a New York City construction site.

Something that Biden wouldn’t dare do without cherry picking the audience to fill it with left-wing extremists.

In the stop on the way to his latest courthouse persecution, the 45th president was greeted with chants of “We want Trump!” and “USA!” The candidate did not give a formal talk but instead mingled with the workers and other supporters who gathered to show their appreciation. 

Trump referenced the “hush money” trial when he told the workers that “I did nothing wrong. It’s a political witch hunt. It’s election interference, that’s all it is.”

The presumptive Republican nominee also addressed the pivotal Supreme Court hearing set for later in the day. “We have a big case today. The president has to have immunity. If you don’t have immunity, you just have a ceremonial president.” 

Some of Trump’s supporters waited for his appearance beginning at 5:15 a.m. An excited worker told the New York Post, “We love Trump because he loves this country.” 

Trump arrived at 6:30 a.m. and posed for pictures and signed autographs for the throng. He stayed at the construction site for roughly 15 minutes before proceeding to the courthouse.

One woman told the enthusiastic onlookers that the nation needs to “wake up. Before you lose your country or freedom, better wake up.”

She added that she came to the U.S. from a communist nation. “We know this country is going in the wrong direction. Wake up! Especially the media, they better tell the truth — otherwise you will become the enemy of the people.”

The woman must be very pleased with Trump’s message. He brushed off conventional political wisdom and declared that Republicans will make a play for New York.

He declared, “I just heard, there was a very good poll that came out. Normally, a Democrat will win New York. Biden is the worst president in history, we have some very bad people here, but we have the greatest people and they’re right behind me.”

Trump assured his audience that his campaign will “run very hard” in the Empire State. This obviously was music to many ears.

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