Mel Gibson is bringing a new television series to life, focusing on the Siege of Malta, where Christians stood firm...
Rescue Volunteer: Biden’s ‘Photo Op’ Disrupted Hurricane Helene Relief Efforts
Tim Kennedy, a U.S. Army Green Berets Master Sergeant and Special Forces sniper, has voiced sharp criticism of President Joe...
Kamala Harris Criticized For Choosing Podcast Over Hurricane Response
Vice President Kamala Harris (D-CA) has sparked outrage after participating in the explicit podcast "Call Her Daddy" while Hurricane Helene...
Sen. Mike Lee Introduces Bill To Protect Americans’ Financial Privacy
Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) is raising concerns about the erosion of financial privacy in the United States due to the...
Musk Blasts Biden-Harris FCC For Blocking Starlink Grant That Could Have Saved Lives In NC
Elon Musk criticized the Biden-Harris administration for its decision to revoke a grant to Starlink, saying the move likely hindered...