RNC Chair McDaniel Pushes Haley To Drop Out Of Race

Republican National Committee Chair Ronna McDaniel urged former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley to drop her bid for the party’s 2024 presidential nomination. This came after former President Donald Trump drew a record number of primary votes in New Hampshire.

McDaniel, who has problems of her own, told Fox News after Tuesday’s contest that she does not see a “path going forward” for Haley in her bid to overtake the frontrunning Trump. 

The chair complimented Haley on a “great campaign.” However, she added that “I do think there is a message that’s coming out from the voters, which is very clear. We need to unite around our eventual nominee.”

That nominee, McDaniel correctly observed, is the 45th president.

She faces internal pressure for a series of stinging losses by Republican candidates in national elections. And while there have been noteworthy victories, the shock of the 2022 midterm elections has not evaporated.

McDaniel noted that November is just 10 months away. “We can’t wait any longer to put our foot on the gas to beat the worst president, to beat a president that’s kept our borders open, allowed fentanyl to pour through, allowed inflation to go rampant.”

The host asked McDaniel if she was directly telling Haley to leave the race. The chair again turned her attention to the woefully unpopular incumbent and asked what is most important for the nation.

McDaniel continued, “Every Republican has to agree that Joe Biden is a threat to our country. If we do not unite and don’t come together to beat him we won’t be successful in 10 months. The Senate and House and White House are at stake. I hope she reflects.”

The GOP leader then added, “I think Donald Trump will be the nominee.” 

However, there are no current indications that Haley is considering ending her bid for the nomination. She told a New Hampshire audience Tuesday evening that the race is “far from over” as attention turns to her home state of South Carolina.

The February 24 primary could be the death knell for her campaign. In the state where she was the two-term governor, Trump polls far ahead of the native daughter.

Further, virtually every significant South Carolina Republican has already given the former president their endorsement. A loss there would certainly be the handwriting on the wall for Haley’s longshot bid.

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