Presidential Candidate Cornel West Launches New Political Party

Progressive presidential candidate Cornel West announced this week the formation of a new political party to spearhead his push for the White House. The “Justice for All Party” (JFA) is intended, in his words, to fight the “suppression of voter choice.”

Having another organized leftist radical in the race cannot be good news for incumbent President Joe Biden.

In his proclamation, West declared JFA will be a grassroots driven organization dedicated to gaining access to several state ballots. He added that it “will grow into a larger formation that galvanizes people-powered initiatives to promote transformational change beyond…2024.”

West called the new political entity a signal to the dominant corporate political institutions.

The candidate joins Robert F. Kennedy Jr. as alternatives outside of the mainstream for Democrats disaffected with the deeply unpopular Biden. 

The initial focus will be on gaining ballot access in states with the lowest threshold for potential candidates. West said the grassroots push will begin in North Carolina, Florida and Washington to take advantage of the “unique political climates of each state.”

West in October announced he was ending his run for the White House under the Green Party. At that point he said he would continue his longshot campaign as an independent.

Writing on X, formerly Twitter, West declared, “I’m running as an Independent candidate for President of the United States to end the iron grip of the ruling class and ensure true democracy!”

He asserted at that time that people are starving for change. West said his effort was to destroy the control of the duopoly and return power to the masses.

In a separate statement, the candidate claimed the time is now to end the political ping-pong between Democrats and Republicans. He called for “housing, healthcare, decent jobs, clean air, clean water, nutritious food and a healthy environment. 

Democrats behind the scenes are concerned with his candidacy.

The party knows that by running a deeply unpopular incumbent for a second term, their margin for error is razor-thin. If West shaved off even a small percentage of the Democratic base in battleground states, it could spell doom for Biden’s already floundering chances.

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