Jordan Discusses Biden Impeachment Timetable

House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan (R-OH) has indicated a potential timeline for introducing impeachment articles against Joe Biden.

During a press briefing on Monday, Jordan said, “We want to talk to those last several witnesses, and we want to make that happen as quickly as possible. We think we can do that relatively quickly.”

The inquiry into a possible impeachment of Biden was initiated by former Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) in September and has focused on Joe Biden’s entanglements in his family’s business. The primary targets have been Biden, his son, Hunter Biden, and his brother, James Biden, and their involvement in complex and opaque international financial transfers.

Regarding the witness interviews, Jordan said, “We hope to get a couple done here in December, and then a couple more in January and make a decision as a body if we move forward with actual articles.”

The depositions of several key witnesses are expected to be conducted by the House Oversight Committee in the next two months. The individuals involved reportedly include James Biden, Tony Bobulinski, Rob Walker, Eric Schwerin and Kevin Morris. 

Meanwhile, the committee issued subpoenas demanding testimony and production of documents to both Hunter and James Biden last month.

Jordan also discussed the procedural moves necessary to bring articles of impeachment. Describing the need for a floor vote by the full House membership, he said: “We think it always helps if the full House of Representatives is on record, and a majority of that body has said, ‘we are in an official impeachment inquiry.'”

Some of the committee’s findings made public to date show there have been substantial money transfers from foreign entities and banks to members of the Biden family and businesses they own and control. Rep. James Comer (R-KY) has recently discussed findings of more than $24 million in such foreign funds transfers over five years.

Jordan disputed implications in a reporter’s question about the similarity of the political timing of a Biden impeachment with the first House impeachment of President Donald Trump in 2020. He pointed out the GOP has only been in control of the House since January and has been working diligently on the matter that entire time.

Jordan concluded by saying, “We’re going to look at the facts, and I think the facts are pretty compelling.”

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