Hillary Clinton Criticizes Young Pro-Hamas Protesters’ Lack Of Historical Knowledge

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has slammed young pro-Hamas protesters during an interview on MSNBC, saying they know very little about history in the Middle East or in many areas of the world — including the United States. Clinton’s remarks come amid growing tensions and protests on college campuses.

Clinton referred to the deal brokered by her husband former President Bill Clinton in which the Palestinians would have been given 96% of what they wanted but they rejected it. “This offer was made. And if Yasser Arafat had accepted it, there would have been a Palestinian state now for about 24 years,” she said.

She called the rejection of the offer “one of the great tragedies of history” and noted that Arafat had expressed a desire to agree but feared he would be killed. 

Clinton’s comments highlight the complex history of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the challenges in achieving a lasting peace.

The former Secretary of State’s criticism of young protesters’ lack of historical knowledge raises questions about the role of education in shaping political views and the importance of understanding the nuances and complexities of international conflicts.

One thing is certain, what kids are learning in school these days doesn’t always line up with what the inconveniently complex state of reality actually is.


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