Conservative Group Launches Ad Campaign To Bring In Arizona Hispanic Voters

The Job Creators Network (JCN) has initiated a Spanish-language billboard and radio advertising campaign aimed at Hispanic voters in the pivotal state of Arizona, focusing on inflation concerns, according to the Daily Caller News Foundation.

This initiative is part of the recently unveiled Hispanic Vote Coalition and marks the inception of a multi-phase, seven-figure effort set to continue until election day, as disclosed by the JCN, an advocacy group for small businesses. In Phoenix, rotating billboards will highlight the rising costs of essentials such as food, gas, energy, and housing. Concurrently, radio spots airing on Spanish-language stations in the area emphasize the economy, crime, and school choice as key factors motivating voter participation.

Alfredo Ortiz, CEO of JCN, emphasized the pivotal role Hispanic Americans are expected to play in the upcoming election, stating, “Hispanic voters deserve to be engaged in an honest conversation about the positive role they play in the American economy and about the negative impact that Washington’s bad policies like high inflation, high taxes, and overregulation, have on them, their families, and their businesses.”

A recent New York Times/Siena College poll revealed that a significant portion of Hispanic voters in Arizona, constituting 25%, prioritize the economy as the decisive issue in determining their vote this November. Notably, the demographic expresses a stronger trust in former President Donald Trump over President Joe Biden concerning economic matters, with a margin of 60% to 33%.

The Phoenix-based campaign, launched on Monday, is slated to continue for a month, according to JCN representatives. The billboard prominently features Spanish phrases such as “Hey Joe, Stop Dancing Around the Problem” and “Bidenomics Sucks!” Meanwhile, the radio ads draw attention to the escalating costs of living, including a 20% surge in rent, a 30% hike in food prices, and a 40% increase in gas prices.

Additionally, the radio ads touch on concerns about rising crime rates and the impact on educational opportunities for children, urging voters to support the political party aligned with their values for a better future.

Presently, Trump maintains a lead over Biden in Arizona by 5.2 points according to the RealClearPolitics average. Moreover, he holds advantages in other battleground states such as Nevada, North Carolina, Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. Despite Trump’s victory in Arizona in 2016, Biden narrowly clinched the swing state by less than one point in the subsequent election cycle.

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