Biden’s Debate Woes Spark Calls For Replacement From Within Democratic Party

President Joe Biden’s performance in the first presidential debate of 2024 has led to significant criticism, even from cheerleader outlets typically supportive of Biden like CNN. Biden, the presumptive Democratic nominee, faced off against former President Donald Trump in Atlanta, Georgia. The 81-year-old president’s debate struggles have intensified discussions about his viability as a candidate.

CNN commentators did not hold back in their assessments. Van Jones called Biden’s performance “painful,” while Anderson Cooper highlighted several “painful moments.” Erin Burnett, after watching a clip of Biden struggling to articulate his thoughts, remarked, “That was a painful moment to watch.”

Republican senators quickly reacted to Biden’s performance. Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) tweeted, “How long before Dems ditch Biden?” and suggested that Biden is “cooked.” He also hinted at invoking the 25th Amendment to remove Biden from office. Sen. Rick Scott (R-FL) added that Democrats are likely discussing Biden’s ability to serve as president, suggesting that it’s not just about his reelection but his current capacity to lead.

The debate itself was marked by sharp exchanges. Trump criticized Biden’s handling of key issues, including border security, energy policy, and international standing. He emphasized that under his administration, the U.S. was energy independent, had low taxes, and was respected globally. Trump dismissed the idea that his actions on January 6, 2021, were a violation of his oath, stating that most Americans do not believe he did anything wrong.

Biden, on the other hand, had trouble maintaining a clear and cohesive argument. His missteps led Trump to comment that even Biden seemed unsure of his own statements. This added fuel to the fire for those questioning Biden’s mental acuity and fitness for office.

On social media, conservative commentators and politicians were quick to voice their doubts. Blaze Media’s Leon Wolf tweeted that Biden’s mental state was clearly “not well,” reflecting a common sentiment among viewers.

During the debate, Biden defended his presidency by focusing on the climate crisis, calling it the only “existential threat to humanity.” He also accused Trump of driving the U.S. towards World War III. However, his faltering performance overshadowed these messages, leading many to question his ability to lead effectively.

The debate has heightened the urgency for the Democratic Party to consider alternative candidates as the Democratic National Convention approaches. Calls for Vice President Kamala Harris or Gov. Gavin Newsom to step in are growing louder, reflecting a deepening concern about Biden’s ability to mount a strong campaign against Trump.

With Biden’s performance under such scrutiny, the Democratic Party faces a critical decision: whether to stay the course with Biden or to seek a new candidate who can inspire confidence and lead the party to victory in the upcoming election.


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  • T
    June 28, 2024

    What did they think was going to happen, did they really believe their own lies they’ve been telling msm and the public about old joe being on top of his game. We all saw how bad he was long before the debate took place. jill and the party just left him go out there and humiliate himself. With friends and family like that he must be very sad today. IM

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